Match the answers with the guestions in Exercise
A.Two litres
b.No,I dont like it
c.About 30,000
d.Just one,please.
e.Yes,its OK.We have got an hour.
f.No I didnot.
Тот самый Exersice 3
1)How many potatoes do you want?
2)have you got many time?
3)Do you eat much rice?
4)How much milk do we need?
5)Did you spend much money?
6)How many people were at the match?


Ответ дал: ChloebyLol
1.d 2.e 3.b 4.a 5.f 6.c

gulnat2010: СПс
Ответ дал: Alina0956
1d, 2e 3b. 4a. 5f. 6 c

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