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Ответ дал: katyamils
When I was 12, I joined a basketball team in my home town.
We were supposed to wear our team’s kit, but we waited and
waited, week after week and the kits never arrived, so we would
wear a green t’shirt and a pair of shorts of any colour – we
wouldn’t mind what colour they were but I would always wear a purple and orange pair! We would train every Monday and Wednesday for an hour and a half. We would get really tired after those training sessions. There were 15 of us on the team and we would play matches every Saturday. Would you believe, we never won one match? We lost every single match we ever played on a Saturday. Would we mind? No, we would enjoy playing together and working as a team so much that it wouldn’t matter . The following year, when I was 13, things changed radically – we finally got our kits – which we would wear  with pride! Suddenly, we started winning. We would tell each other it was because we finally had our lucky kits!
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