Rewrite into reported speech

1."I find this sculpture unique," she said
2."I am going to the train station," she told the taxi driver
3."I have passed all my exams," she said
4."I broke my arm while trekking," he told to the doctor
5."I can`t get the Internet to work," he said
6."I`m visiting my grandparents next Sunday," she said


Ответ дал: nunny
1. She said that she found that sculpture unique.
2. She told the taxi driver that she was
going to the train station.
3. She said that she had
passed all her exams.
4. He told the doctor that he had
broken his arm while trekking.
5. He said that he couldn't
get the Internet to work.
6. She said
that she was visiting her grandparents the next Sunday.
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