Самостоятельная работа по английскому 7 класс .очень срочно!!!



Ответ дал: campanilla15
1. New hospitals are being built in the ...
2. Will her new novel be published next year?
3. Jimmy has just been arrested by the police on ...
4. The gas was cut off because ...
5. A new hotel will be opened next week.
6. Important matters are discussed by our managers every ...
7. The plant was closed by the government last year.
8. C.A was explored by L. in the ...
9. All the trees had been planted by the ...
10. This play will be staged at the ...
11. The story has been forgotten.
12. Have the rules of thr game been explained to you?
13. My skates haven't been brought back.
1. was written
2. had been broken
3. was built
4. will it be repeated
5. has never been worn
6. is being repaired
7. is usually served
8. hasn't been solved 

Екатерина9202ми: Спасибо очень помогли.
campanilla15: НЕ за что!
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