1: Change Future Indefinite Active in the sentences to Future Indefinite Passive according to the model.Model:Students will finish the lab work in one hour.
1. The rector will meet with the delegation at 9 a.m.
2. The director of the Institute will send these students to the conference in Moscow.
3. The scientists will buy German equipment for the laboratory.
4. The students will listen to this professor’s lectures next week.
5. The professor from Great Britain will teach us English next term.
6. My groupmate will give me the textbook.
7. Our lab assistant will teach us to use the new equipment.
8. We shall hold the conference on Monday.
9. These scientists will study problems of environmental protection.
10. They will provide our laboratory with up-to-date equipment.
2: Answer the following questions using the prompts in brackets.
When will the conference be held? (in two days)
The conference will be held in two days.

1. When will the report be discussed? (on Monday)
2. Why will the students be sent to this plant? (to have professional training)
3. Where will the equipment be delivered? (to a chemistry laboratory)
4. Who will be trained to use the new equipment? (students)
5. What subjects will be studied by the first year students? (the basic subjects)
6. What will much attention be paid to? (the study of physical laws)
7. What subject will be studied next year? (Economics)
8. When will the article be translated? (in a week)
9. Where will the celebration be held next month? (at our University)
10. What will they be told about? (their admission results)


Ответ дал: рахиля3

1. Ректор встретится с делегацией в 9 часов утра.

2. Директор Института отправит этих студентов на конференцию в Москве.

3. Ученые купят немецкое оборудование для лаборатории.

4. Студенты будут слушать лекции профессора на следующей неделе.

5. Профессор из Великобритании научит нас английскому следующему термину.

6. Мой одноклассник даст мне учебник.

7. Наш лаборант научит нас использовать новое оборудование.

8. Мы проведем конференцию в понедельник.

9. Эти ученые изучат проблемы охраны окружающей среды.

10. Они предоставят нашей лаборатории современное оборудование.
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