40. ... you like going to the cinema?
a. Are b. Does c. Do
41. When I … five, I could read.
a. were b. was c. am
42. I … a letter to my mum yesterday.
a. write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
43. I … a letter to my mum tomorrow.
a. write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
44. I … a letter to my mum lately.
b. write b. am writing c. wrote d. have written
45. I … a letter to my mum every day.
a. write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
46. I … a letter to my mum now.
a. write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write


Ответ дал: thwychk
40. Do
41  was
42. wrote
43. will write
44.  have written
45. write
46.am writing
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