When we talk about fashion we usually mean the popular style in dress or behavior. For most modern people fashion is a method of wearing to express themselves. What do you think about it? Write 80-90 words

Talk about the clothes you are wearing today. Do you like them? Why? / Why not?
• What new clothes would you like to buy?
• Have you ever bought fashion magazines? Why? / Why not?
• What are some of your favorite brands of clothing?

• Why do people spend lots of money on clothes?
• What do clothes tell people about our personalities?
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Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Today I'm wearing my school uniform which is a dark blue suit that consists of a blazer and trousers. I'm also wearing a light blue shirt with a tie and a pair of black shoes. I can't say I like these clothes, but they aren't too bad. To me it's a bit boring to wear the same uniform every day.  

I would like to buy a few bright T-shirts or polo shirts and a pair of jeans.  I'm not going to wear them at school - I will wear them in the summer.

I have never bought any fashion magazines. I know that girls usually like to look through those mags, but I'm not interested. For me it is enough to have a look at my friends' clothes.

As for my favourite brands of clothing, I like Nike and H&M because their clothes are so comfy and they are of great quality.  

Some people spend lots of money on clothes because clothes make them look good and feel good about themselves.

I believe clothes say a lot about our personality. I like wearing the sporty style clothes, and they match such personality traits of mine as confidence and optimism.

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