Complete the sentences as in exanple. My house ..... his house ( comfortable )
the tigers tail .... The cats tail ( long )
Tom ...... Nick ( bad )
Monkeys ..... Cows ( funny )
заранее спасибо:)

ineedhelpyana: It is ..... House saint-petersburg
ineedhelpyana: ( old )
ineedhelpyana: It is .... Computer in our school (good) it is..... Tree in park (big) the volga is ..... River in russia (long)
ineedhelpyana: Помогитее
вашахрюшкавалентина: The oldest
The best
The biggest
The longest


Ответ дал: вашахрюшкавалентина
Is more comfortable than ....
Is longer than...
Is worse than..
Are funnier than
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