Put the words in the right order
1 old/Ana/are/friends/Jay/and?
2 they/where/are?
3 Mexican/Jay/is?
4 English/got/friends/Ana/any/has?
5 she/homesick/is?
6 from/she/where/come/does?
7 studying/what"s/Ana?
8 Veracruz/live/Jay/does/in?


Ответ дал: parljukljuba

1 Are Ana and Jay old friends?  2 where are they? 3 Is Jay Mexican?  4 Has Ana got any English friends?  5 Where does she come from?  6 what's Ana studying?  7 Does Jay live in Veracruz?

Ответ дал: nunny

1 Are Ana and Jay old friends?

2 Where are they?

3 Is Jay Mexican?

4 Has Ana got any English friends?

5 Is she homesick?

6 Where does she come from?

7 What's Ana studying?

8 Does Jay live in Veracruz?

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