what they ate for breakfast yesterday
What they saw in the street yesterday
who the met in the street yesterday
where the had lunch yesterday
when they drank tea yesterday
what they read or wrote in the evening
сделать вопросительными плиз пж 


Ответ дал: sasha331520
what did they eat for breakfast yesterday?

What did they see in the street yesterday?

who did they meet in the street yesterday?

where did they have lunch yesterday?

when did they drink tea yesterday?

what did they read or write in the evening?

Ответ дал: Utonw
Что они ели на завтрак вчера?

Что они вчера видели на улице?

С кем встретился вчера на улице?

Где вчера был обед?

Когда (ват?) они пили чай вчера?

Что они читали или писали вечером?

Вас заинтересует