Заполните пробелы словами

1. How often do you ________ TV?
2.I have _________ all the James Bond films.
3.I can _________ something strange in the sky.
4.We are going to _________ "Batman" next week.
5.She sits for hours and ___________ the birds in the garden.
6.I ___________ and accident on my way to school.
7.Children, __________ the blackboard please.


Ответ дал: MarinaŞkurak
1. How often do you watch TV?
2. I have seen all the James Bond films.
3. I can see something strange in the blue sky.
4. We are going to watch "Batman" next week.
5. She sits for hours and hears the birds in the garden.
6. I have an accident on my way to school.
7. Children, look at the blackboard please.
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