Можете помочь не могу разобраться с англ
1. -Who draws pictures?
-The children ... a)does b)do c) is
2 Who is beautiful? - His sisters ... a) is b)have c)do
3 Who skates well? - Lena ... a) is b) does c)do
4 The sportsmes ... meat a) like b) likes c) has
5 -Who has got a new doll?
-His sisters ... a) is b) do c) have
6 Who is brave? - I ... a) is b)do c)am
7 I ... like to draw a) am not b) don't c) am
8 The letters ... in the box a) don't b) can't c) aren't
9 ... to play the game? a) Would you like b) Can you c) Must you
10 ... play football or basketball? a) Do they b) Have they c) Are they
Можете писать просто вопрос ответ (например: 6,7)


Ответ дал: jemchuzhinka

1)do 2)а там точно sisters? Не sister случайно? 3) does 4) like 5)have 6)am 7)don't 8)aren't9) would you likl10) do they play

Аноним: ну да sister не написал)
Аноним: перепутал
Аноним: тогда что если sister?
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