Англ.яз..... Срочно



Ответ дал: hollykoll
4.a lot of
8.too much
9.fast enough

karolinaislamova2004: А можешь мне помочь с этим
karolinaislamova2004: 1 Zoe is interviewing Colin Beavan about his'no impact lifestyle. 2 Joe started the 'no impact lifestyle a month ago. 3 Joe doesn't buy any fruit or vegetables which come from faraway countries. 4 Joe gets a lot of fruit and vegetables from supermarkets. 5 Joe doesn't throw away a lot of rubbish. 6 Joe cycles and travels by bus.
hollykoll: что здесь делать?
karolinaislamova2004: Listen to a conversation about a 'no impact' lifestyle. Write true or false.
hollykoll: "послушайте разговор о ... . напишите правда или ложь"
karolinaislamova2004: Сперва же нужно прослушать диалог не так ли
karolinaislamova2004: ???
karolinaislamova2004: Тогда можешт с этим помочь
karolinaislamova2004: Complete the the sentences with the verbs in the box . potlute, recycle, burn, poisons, waste, bury, save, throw away. 1.We shouldn't bottles it's better to....them. 2.You can....energy by using public transport them 3.Nuclear power stations don't..... the air but they create dangerous waste.
karolinaislamova2004: 4.Waste plastic......marine animals. 5.When you..... plastic, dangerous gases go into the atmosphere. 6.If you.. plastic, it will stay in the ground for 1,000 years. 7. You....energy when you leave the window open in winter.
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