Помогите с Артиклями
1. Do you know where ....... my watch is?
2. ....... Kate’s husband is ....... doctor. They are all ....… doctors in ….... their family.
3. These are ….... very good examples. Study ....… examples.
4. ….... papers you need are on the table.
5. He has ....... long name and I can never remember it.
6. There is ....... mistake in ....... sentence. Correct ....... mistake.
7. Can you tell me where ....... station is.
8. Who is ....... driver of this car? You can’t park ....... cars here.
9. ....... keys to ....... exercises you are doing now are on the next page.
10. Do you remember ....... name of ....... street where we bought this washing machine?
11. He says he needs ....... new glasses. But ....... glasses they sell here are very expensive.
12. Remember to take ....... jacket to the cleaner’s.
13. They say ....... party was a success.
14. Let’s take ....... photograph of Nick and July. They are ....... nice couple.
15. I’m going to ....... airport. ....... plane leaves in two hours.
16. I liked ....... presents I received on my birthday


Ответ дал: remiii

1. -

2. -, a, -, -

3. -, the

4. The

5. A

6. A, the, the

7. The

8. The, -

9. The, the

10. The, the

11. -, the

12. The

13. The

14. A, a

15. The, the

16. The

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