Образуйте притяжательный падеж от следующих существительных!!! Срочно пажалуйста!!!
Используя -'s или -', или ...of....

e.g the son/our manager - our manager'son

The owner/ that car, the mother/ Ann, the jacket/ that man, the top/the page, the baughter/ Charles, the toys/the ehildren, the new manager/the company, the result/ the football match, the garden/ the neighbors, the children/ Don and Mary.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

The owner of that car, Ann's mother,  that man's jacket, the top of the page, Charles's daughter, the children's toys, the company's new manager, the result of the football match, the neighbors' garden, Don and Mary's children.

nonses755: Огромное спасибо!!!
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