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Russian Schools

In Russia schooling begins at the (1) a... of six or seven.In most schools parents do not (2) p... for their children.These schools are (3) f... Secondary (4) e... begins at the age of ten.Secondary school pupils different (5) s.: Russian, maths, Russian literature, physics, art, music, modern languagesEnglish, French or German.Classes are very long -about forty-five minutes.In most schools pupils have wear (6) u...s.They are of different colours.Girls usually wear skirts, blouses and jackets, boys usually wear suits and shirts.Pupils go to school five or six days a week.Ifthey have classes on Sat- urdays, they usually have five lessons every day, sometimes six.Classes start at half past eight in the morning.There are ten or fifteen minute (7) b...s after every lesson and a longer lunch(8) b... .Classes are over at two or three o'clock in the afternoon.The Russian school year usually has three or four (9) t...s.School- children have holidays in all the seasons inautumn, winter, spring and summer.The summer holidays are the longest.


Ответ дал: Qamarov

1august, 2pay, 3free 4education, 5subjects, 6uniforms, 7breaks, 8break, 9terms,

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