Помогите с заданием, пожалуйста.

Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

2. A.: What you (do), Jane?
B.: I (read)
A.: But it (be) late. What you (read) all this time?

3. A.: Where (be) John?
B.: He (work) in the garden
A.: He must be too tired. He (work) there all day

4. A.: Who you (wait) for?
B.: I (wait ) for Jack. I (wait) for him since 11 o'clock

5. A.: They (stand) there for the last 20 minutes.
B.: What they (talk) about all this time?

6. A.: What you (think) of?
B.: I (think) of our life together.

7. A.: The girls (sing) in the sitting-room
B.: They (sing) since I (walk) in


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