When my brother and I were small, our parents spent a lot of time with us. They believed that_____CHILD

should learn something new everyday and every hour, A weekend in our family

meant that our parents_____WAKE

breakfast and set off to see some place of interest, or museum, or exhibition. Usually they

us up even earlier than on weekdays. We had______NOT/ASK

decision. One day they

us where we wanted to go. It was


told us that we were going to visit a historical museum which was a good distance away from

the city. The day______ BE

with heavy dark

cold and gloomy. The sky________COVER

clouds. But the weather didn't make our parents change their plan. "Are you ready to go?" Dad

asked. "Mum_____PACK

the sandwiches for us already. In case we get hungry and there's

no cafe nearby." "And what will we do if it _____RAIN

my brother asked quietly. "Getting

wet is not a problem," Dad replied. "I'm sure you understand that visiting a museum is much_____GOOD

for you than watching TV at home." My brother and I sighed. The film we

wanted to see so much was on TV on that very day. We looked at each other and decided that

we needed a plan.

Mary's birthday was on Saturday and she decided to arrange the party all by herself. At first,

making a party to celebrate her

birthday looked like an easy thing to do. But_____FIFTEEN

when Mary started planning the event, a lot of questions came up. And the main problem was

that she_____NOT/KNOW

what to start with! Mary called her cousin Vicki and asked if she______CAN help with the arrangements. Vicki was a year

and more______OLD

experienced in arranging parties. Vicki agreed and went to Mary's house at once. When Vicki______DESIGN

a menu for the party. Vicki looked at the draft of the menu

arrived, Mary______TELL

Mary that her approach was totally wrong. "We shouldn't start with the menu,"

she said, "We should start with the list of guests and with the programme for the event. You_______DECIDE

who you want to invite to your party, haven't you?"

"No," answered Mary, "I haven't." It took the girls half an hour to make a list of guests. Each

name ______ WRITE

carefully on glossy paper. "It looks fine," said Vicki, "But there are too many of______THEY.Dont you think so?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

Children , woke, didn’t ask , their,was,was covered,has packed,rains,better.

Fifteenth ,didn’t know,could,older,was designing,told,have decided,was written,them.

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