Поставить слово в скобках в нужной форме: окончание -ed или -ing и отрицательные префиксы, где надо, un- или dis-
1. Reading is _______(bore). It's more ______ (interest) to do things with friends
2. I'm too___________(frighten) to walk back home alone at night
3. Last year's holiday was ________(amaze). We're really _________(excite) about his year's
4. Rita and Sam _______(agree) about their holiday, so they went away alone
5. I'm perfectly______(satisfy) with just staying at home tonight
6. Heather's story was very______(amuse), wasn't it?
7. I'm_________(bore)! Let's do something________(excite) tonight
8. I've taken up a__________(thrill) new sport - bungee jumping. ________(fortunately) my parents________(approve) - they're worried it is_____(safe)


Ответ дал: nunny

1. Reading is _______(boring). It's more ______ (interesting) to do things with friends

2. I'm too___________(frightened) to walk back home alone at night

3. Last year's holiday was ________(amazing). We're really _________(excited) about his year's

4. Rita and Sam _______(disagreed) about their holiday, so they went away alone

5. I'm perfectly______(satisfied) with just staying at home tonight

6. Heather's story was very______(amusing), wasn't it?

7. I'm_________(bored)! Let's do something________(exciting) tonight

8. I've taken up a__________(thrilling) new sport - bungee jumping. ________(unfortunately) my parents________(disapprove) - they're worried it is_____(unsafe)

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