Помогите, пожалуйста!
1 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

full-time part time temporary summer

1. My friend has a ... job in the supermarket for the next six weeks but then he'll need to find another one.
2. My mum did a ... job while I was very young. She only worked a few hours every day.
3. I want to get a ... job during July and August before I go to college.
4. My dad works from nine to five at the bank. It's a ... job. This is his tenth year there! ​


Ответ дал: zerix337

1.My friend has a temporary job in the supermarket for the next six weeks but then he'll need to find another one.

2.My mum did a part-time job while I was very young. She only worked a few hours every day.

3.I want to get a summer job during July and August before I go to college.

4.My dad works from nine to five at the bank. It's a full-time job. This is his tenth year there!

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