30 баллов!!
б) Образуйте форму множительного числа подчеркнутых существительных . Сделайте соответствующие изменения в предложениях и перепишите их. Предложения переведите. 1. What is your neighbour doing now? 2. The key is made of steel. 3. A tomato is a vegetable and a cherry is a kind of fruit. 4. There is a shop, a cinema and a theatre in the new district. 5. What is this man going to do? He is going to marry a beautiful girl.

Аноним: *подчеркнутые существительные:
3)tomato ; cherry
4)shop ;cinema; theatre


Ответ дал: natashamun94

What are your neighbours going now?

The keys are made of steel

The tomatoes are vegetables and the cherries are kind of fruit

There are shops,cinemas and the theatres in the new district

What are the men going to do?

They are going to marry the beatiful girls


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