Помогите Пожалуйста!
Complete the sentence with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets
1)We___(cook) dinner when the electricity suddenly went off
2)I__(driving)on the motorway for ages when I realized I was on the wrong one
3)When I opened the document, I saw that I __(forget ) to save yesterday ‘s work!
4) i___(not come) swimming because Sheila hadn’t told me about it
5)When we got to the ski resort it___(snow)so heavily that we couldn’t ski
6) I was disappointed the snow was cancelled-I ___(look) forward to it for weeks


Ответ дал: natashamun94

Were cooking

Had been driven

Had forgotten

Didnt came

Was snowing

Had been looking

Тут больше времен


Ответ дал: katya22289
1) are coking
2) I’m
Was forgot
4) didn’t came
5) snows
6) look
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