Заполните пропуски, преобразуя, если требуется, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложения. 40 баллов!



Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 easy

2 easily

3 hotter

4 correct

5 correctly

6 terrible

7 terribly

8 him/her (перед congratulated не надо ничего писать)

9 firemen

10 melodies

11 those

12 Paul's

13 its

14 second

15 Two

16 Your

Задание 2

1  won't leave, find

2 copied, switched, left

3 didn't see, arrived, had (already) left

4 would check

5 hurt, was diving

6 will switch, finish

7 had already found

8 are having, will be

9 to have

10 am, won't go

11 will be

12 was climbing, broke

13 observed

14 has been working

13mandarinka2005: Спасибо
Ответ дал: vladyandymokk13

1) easy

2) easily

3) hotter

4) correct

5) correctly

6) terrible

7) terribly

8) her

9) firemen

10) melodies

11) those

12) Paul's

13) its

14) second

15) two

16) your

1) will not leave, find

2) copied, switched, left

3) did not see, arrived, had already left

4) would check

5) hurt, dived

6) will switch, finish

7) had already found

8) will have, will be

9) to have

10) am, will not go

11) will be

12) was climbing, broke

13) observed

14) has been working

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