Сделайте плиз без игнора дам 20 балов



Ответ дал: hotpotatox


1. am / am not

2. is / isn't

3. are / aren't


Jacob is watching

Mum and dad are flying to Spain

Your cat is sitting on my bed

Dad is practising the guitar

We are running in the park

The bus is stopping near the shops.


She's writing an e-mail

They're playing basketball

He's doing an exam

He's going to bed

They're watching a film

It's swimming in the river


They're not listening to music

We are eating dinner at home

She is playing tennis in the park

We aren't studying snakes at school

You aren't writing an email in English

They're visiting some friends

He isn't looking at the teacher.


Ruby and Sue are watching Ross and Jack

Sara is sleeping

Dan is reading

Dan isn't sitting

Tom is running

Ruby isn't playing

Ross and Jack aren't playing basketball

Amy isn't running

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