нужно срочно решить даю 25 баллов
в общем, переделать в нужной форме
Example: (I / fall / asleep when I / watch / television) - I fell asleep when I was watching television.
(The phone / ring / when I have /a shower) The phone ……………………………
(It / begin / to rain when I / walk / home) ................…………………………….....
(We / see / an accident when we /wait / for the bus) ...………….............................
(Mary / wear / her new dress when I / meet her) ...................…………………..…
(The sick child / sleep when the doctor / come) .........................…………………...
(I / come / into the room when Jill / play / the piano).......……………….................
(It / rain when we / go out)............................................…………………………….
(John / get off / the train while it / go) ………………………………..…………...
(He / have twenty-five accidents while he / learn / to drive)……………………….
(The little boy / fish when he / fall / into the river)…………………………............


Ответ дал: zorbing

The phone rang when I was having a shower.

It began to rain when I was walking home.

We saw an accident when we were waiting for the bus.

Mary was wearing her new dress when I met her.

The sick child was sleeping when the doctor came.

I came into the room when Jill was playing the piano.

It was raining when we went out.

John got off the train while it was going.

He had twenty-five accidents while he was learning to drive.

The little boy was fishing when he fell into the river.

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