Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue. Your classmate has just returned from a trip to Niagara Falls (the Curonian Spit, the White Cliffs of Dover, the Great Barrier Reef )
Ask him / her:
What the wonder of nature was like
What impressed him / her most
If he / she has got any photos
Nice to see you.
Where have you been?
That souds grea.
Is it worth visiting?
It sounds fantastic.
I think (believe)...
Ребят пожалуйста, это очень очень срочно!!! Умоляю помогите кто нибудь я за это дам 40 баллов!!!


Ответ дал: babbbey

- hello

-o, hi

-nice to see you again, whare have you been?

- i spend my holidays at Niagara falls

- really? that sounds so great. have you founf any interestings there/

-of course, i visited a lot of beutiful place and meet georgeous people

- what  impressed you the most?

-  really like the weather and nature. the air is so clean and fresh.

-i believe that one day i will travel too.

ololonyaololos: Спасибо огромное. Но оказалась нам задали другой упр. ( там правило прочитать) я и сама не доглядела, писала тут не знаю сколько. Но всё равно спасибо)) Может потом пригодится.
babbbey: не зачета ;)
Ответ дал: DrYgAn8998

Hi!Where've you been?

Hi!I was at Niagara falls.

it worth visiting?

I think, Yes, it was all this color, it was a rainbow in the afternoon.

Sounds fantastic.

That was fun.

Okay, it was nice to see.



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