Помогите пожалуйста!!! Дам мак баллов!!!

Complete the sentences with the Future Simple and the verbs below.

Be, help, meet, play, fly, sleep, make, end, cry, buy,

Lionel Messi _______for Barcelona again this year.
Next year I ________fifteen years old.
If you are a good boy, your mum _______ you a big ice cream.
We don't want to go by car. We ________instead.
I can't watch this film or I _________again.
OK. At 5 o'clock we _________you outside the shopping centre.
Wait a minute, please. The concert _________soon.
Are you hungry? I _________ you a hamburger.
Sam doesn't want to work in the garden. He _________.
You can't take all this luggage on your own. I ___________you.


Ответ дал: Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu

Lionel Messi will play for Barcelona again this year.

Next year I will be fifteen years old.  

If you are a good boy, your mum will buy you a big ice cream

We don't want to go by car. We will fly instead.  

I can't watch this film or I will cry again.

OK. At 5 o'clock we will meet you outside the shopping centre.

Wait a minute, please. The concert will end soon.

Are you hungry? I will make you a hamburger.

Sam doesn't want to work in the garden. He will sleep.

You can't take all this luggage on your own. I will help you.

То что выделено это то что я вставила,

will-вставляла по правилу

А само слово по смыслу предложения

Желаю удачи в школе:)

Аноним: Пасиб)
Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu: Не за что:)
Аноним: Как сделать лучшим?
Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu: Его можно сделать лучшим через время
Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu: ну завтра точно сможешь
Аноним: Ок)
Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu: Заранее спасибо)
Аноним: Не за что:)
Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu: Спасибо за лучший ответ)
Ответ дал: poshlayamolly24
1. Will play
2. Will be
3. Will buy
4. Will fly
5. Will cry
6. Will meet
7. Will end
8. Will make
9. Will sleep
10. Will help
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