Прошу о помощи!!!!! passive voice. Вообще не понимаю эту тему. 2 задания - 3 и 4


Аноним: Картинку можно еще меньше
Xekce: увы, но больше сделать вообще никак


Ответ дал: Аноним

3.The street is called after a famous artist / The street will be called after a famous artist

Many new houses are built recently / Many new houses will be built recently

The Queen is buried at Westminster Abbey / The queen will be buried at Westminster Abbey

The history of London streets are described in many books / The history of London streets will be described in many books

4.The history of Piccadilly Circus is known by few people

The monument will be erected by them in the centre of the city

A lecture on the  English history is being delivered by professor Brown

Many books on this subject have been read by me

Many guests have been invited by Bho

Аноним: Какое слово в четвертом задании,2 предложение?
Аноним: Которое идет после will
Xekce: erect
Аноним: Исправлено
Ответ дал: Аноним


1) The street will be called after a famous artist.

2) Many new houses are built recently.

3) The Queen is burried at Westminster Abbey.

4) The history of London streets is described in many books.


1) The history of Piccadilly Circus is known by few people.

2) The monument will be erected by them in the centre of the city.

3) A lecture on the English history is being delivered by Professor Brown.

4) Many books of this subject have been read by me.

5) Many guests have been invited by her

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