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Ответ дал: faya666
People usually say some popular words about Great Britain: the Royal family, a foggy island, old castles, red buses, football and tea. GB is a country with its own geography, economy and special political system, a rich culture and different sporting events.
The climate here is rather cool and changeable but it often rains which is good for plants. The British love their green gardens full of beautiful flowers. GB is rich in gardens and parks which are famous all over the world.
English language of s the first language of the international communication in the world.
In the Scotland people have a strong accent which can be difficult to understand.
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

Thinking about Great Britain, people usually remember of the Royal family, a foggy island, old castles, red buses, Big Ben , the Tower Bridge,football and tea. But Great Britain is a real country with its own geography, economy,political system, a rich culture and different sporting events.

The climate in Great Britain is rather cool and changeable.It often rains which is good for plants. The British love their green gardens full of beautiful flowers.

The English language is the first language of international communication in the world.

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