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1. He … (can’t/couldn’t) close the door as it was stuck.
2. Singers … (may/must) sing without orchestra.
3. … (Can/May) I use me your laptop for today?
4. … (May/Could) you give me the recipe for this steak?
5. I hardly ever see Mary, she … (may/might) have moved to Kaluga.
6. Take an umbrella. It … (may/can) rain.
7. You … (could/should) stop smoking. You know you … (cannot/must not) buy health.
8. You … (may/must) finish the ecercise as soon as possible.
9. Tina doesn’t … (ought to/have to) keep to a diet anymore.
10. Liza … (can/might) get a doll for her birthday.
11. You … (must not/needn’t) read in the dark.
12. My grandmother is retired, so she … (shouldn’t/doesn’t have to) go to work.
13. The fridge is empty, so we … (must /need) go shopping.
14. Our clientes … (can/must) sign this agreement.
15. We … (may/ought to) reserve a table in advance if we want to have dinner there.
16. I … (can’t/needn’t) believe it! You … (have to/must) be joking.
17. Ann … (must/is to) finish school next year.
18. Sorry, I’m late. I … (needed to/had to) wait for the plumber.
19. What time do we … (should/have to) be at the railway station?
20. Don’t wait for me tonight. I … (might/must) be late.
21. I … (maynot/can’t) watch this film. It’s too boring.
22. We’ve got a dishwasher, so you … (couldn’t/needn’t) wash-up.
23. You look very pale, I think you … (need/should) stay at home.
24. … (Could/Might) you, please, pass me the salt?

General English **
Unit 1 (p.11-23) Introduce yourself using words and phrases from Phrase Bank 1 and constructions from ex.1,2,4,5 – minimum 5 phrases.
Tell about your and your relative’s occupation using words and phrases from Phrase Bank 11 and constructions from ex.8,9 – minimum 2 phrases.
Describe your family using words and phrases from Phrase Bank 111 and draw your own Family Tree using constructions from ex.13 – minimum 5 phrases.
Tell about your place of living using words and phrases from Phrase Bank 1Y and constructions from ex.18-19 – minimum 5 phrases.

thomassudz: Что имеено сделать?
vladushafedotov: с предложение 1 - 24 вписать то что в ( )


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