ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!! (((Постройте предложения, используя конструкцию сложного дополнения.
ПРИМЕР. What do you want us to do? — I want you to ring up the doctor.

What do you want your brother to do? (to say a few words on the question)
What would you like your sister to do? (to change the plan)
Where do you want us to go? (to hurry to the station)
What would you like them to do now? (to be preparing for the classes)
What do you expect me to do in such a situation? (to find out the truth)


Ответ дал: mickeyjoon
1. I want my brother to say a few words on the question
2. i would like my sister to change the plan
3. i want you to hurry to the station
4. i would like them to be preparing for the classes
5. i would expect you to find out the truth
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