Использовать Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuos  с глаголами в скобках

A: How long ... you ... (try) to find a job?

B: For three years. It ... (be) really difficult.

A: How many jobs ... you ... (have)? 

B: About thirty, maybe more I ... (do) everything.

A: How long ... you ... (stand) here today?

B: I ... (wait) since 8:00 this morning, and I'm freezing. 


Ответ дал: Frella

 How long have you been trying to find a job?

For three years. It was really difficult.

How many jobs have you had?  

About thirty, maybe more I have been doing everything.

How long have you been standing here today? 

I have been waiting since 8:00 this morning, and I'm freezing.  





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