Find and correct a mistake with articles in each sentence. 1.I'm vegetarian. I never eat the meat. 2.My mum is the doctor in a big hospital. 3.Could you pass me potatoes? 4. I had a cat but cat disappeared last month. 5. He's a student at University of Edinburgh. 6. She's got a brother and the sister. 7. I haven't got a watch - can you tell me a time? Подскажите пожалуйста.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. I'm a vegetarian. I never eat meat.
2. My mom is a doctor in a big hospital.
3. Could you pass me the potatoes?
4. I had a cat but the cat disappeared last month.
5. He's a student at the University of Edinburgh.
6. She's got a brother and a sister too.
7. I haven't got a watch - can you tell me the time?
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