Заполните пропуски словами ,первая буква слова уже дана. 1.The USA e_____ from the Atlantic Ocean in the cast to the Pacific Ocean in the west.2.The USA c___ the fourth largest territory in the world.3.The USA Mexico in the south.4. We should mention the s_____ of the country.5.Many rivers are f____ through the country.6.The natural channels are cut by r____.7.There is vast area of f___ soil in the USA.8.He speaks Spanish, the second most c_____ language in the USA.9.The piece of land, set a____ by the federal government for the nation's capital, is between the states of Virginia and Maryland.10.There are thirteen s____ on the American flag.

volghin2013: Помогите я не вывожу это )


Ответ дал: nunny

1.The USA extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the cast to the Pacific Ocean in the west.

2.The USA covers the fourth largest territory in the world.

3.The USA borders Mexico in the south.

4. We should mention the surface of the country.

5.Many rivers are flowing through the country.

6.The natural channels are cut by rivers.

7.There is a vast area of fertile soil in the USA.

8.He speaks Spanish, the second most common language in the USA.

9.The piece of land, set apart by the federal government for the nation's capital, is between the states of Virginia and Maryland.

10.There are thirteen stripes on the American flag.

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