Card 2

1. Do you think you are a physically active person?

2. How much physical activity do you do every day?

3. Would you like to be fitter? How?

4. What new sport would you like to take up, if you could?
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Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. I think I am physically active.
  2. I do morning exercises at least 15 minutes a day.
  3. Yes, I'd like to be fitter. You should get enough sleep, be physically active and eat healthy food.
  4. I would like to try taekwondo or boxing.
Ответ дал: Glanik34

1. Of course, actually I'm really into sports.

2. I have my volleyball trainings every day.

3. I don't mind being fitter than now, but I'm quite self-satisfied . I would like to go running every morning, it would be great.

4. Maybe table tennis, I have tried a couple times and really enjoyed it. When I was a bit younger I was really keen on swimmig. I know it's the best sport for health, so it would be great to take up swimming again.

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