мое хобби на английском про спорт,небольшое


Ответ дал: verakhabibulova

Sports are useful for everyone, but it is not a pleasure for everyone. Sport primarily trains our will, endurance, and will power, so to really like it, you need to possess all these qualities, as well as a great desire to improve yourself and to achieve your goals in spite of everything.

I understood all this, when at the age of five, I began to attend a children's section of the triathlon. The parents chose for me this multifunctional sport, because it involves three components: running, swimming and cycling. I go in for triathlon up to now. Four times a week I attend sports training, during which guys and I do indoor cycling and run on indoor tracks and learn the technique of swimming and diving in a swimming pool. In addition, coaches organize for us cycling and crosses at the stadium.

Athletes of our sections regularly participate in competitions and take prizes there. I have repeatedly brought various medals and awards for my team. In addition, during our school holidays, we go to training camps, it gives me a special pleasure. To achieve any success in the sport, you should put much effort into this, but I am able to train long and hard because perseverance is in my blood. In addition, I just don't imagine my life without risk and excitement, therefore, I like to bypass opponents at a distance and set new records.

I think that the sport will always be relevant to me, because only it can give me all those emotions, which are usually in short supply in daily life. In the future, I plan to continue triathlon training, and I also want to evolve in other ways, for example, to conquer the slopes on a snowboard or to surf.

notenglish75: благодарю ❤️
Ответ дал: Gurudev
My hobby is sports. I collect information about my favorite athletes. I follow their achievements and successes. I am a fan of many of them and do sports myself. With many sports stars I am in correspondence and they give me advice and recommendations. I myself do sports and advise everyone.
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