Exercise 1.

Fill the gaps with one of the following words:

Imagination, working, break, rules, goodbye, called, write, rude

Backwards Day

Bored with doing the same thing in and out? On January 31, take a(n) (1) ________ from the routine by doing everything backwards, because it is Backwards Day.

While it is unclear who created this holiday, it is evident that they wanted it to be a day to break all (2) ________ and to do things their way.

A popular fun holiday among school-going children, it is also sometimes (3) _________ National Backwards Day in the United States.

Celebrating Backwards Day is easy — do everything backwards or sdrawkcab.

- Wear your outfit backwards and if you can, talk and (4) _________ backwards.

- Go to bed in the morning and start (5) _________ in the evening, have dinner in the morning and breakfast in the evening; eat your meal, starting with dessert.

- Talk to people with your back towards them. Just make sure you let them know you are celebrating Backwards Day, so they don't think you are (6) ___________.

- Say (7) _________ to people when you meet them, and hello when you depart. Answer the phone with “Goodbye! Thank you for calling!”

This day is limited only by your (8) ___________ . Use it, and Backwards Day can be lots of fun.

Exercise 2.

Open the brackets using Present Perfect.

_______ the students ________ (improve) their English?
She ________ (become) really beautiful.
_______ this man ________ (invent) many useful gadgets?
People ________ (cause) much destruction to the planet.
I ________ (never surf) in the Pacific Ocean.
The class ________ (do) 5 tests this month.
Allison ________ (find) a few problems with your plan.
_______ you ________ (consult) with doctors about his illness?
I ________ (not meet) Debbie for ages.
Since the previous year, we ________ (not make) any profit.
She ________ (be) sick since Sunday.
You ________ (be) away for 2 weeks.
_______ he ________ (hate) cheese since childhood?
Mark and Katie ________ (not be) together for two years.
I ________ (like) mango since my last trip.


Ответ дал: mellow2014

ex. 1

1. break

2. rules

3. called

4. write

5. working

6. crazy

7. godbye

8. imagination

ex. 2

1. have the students improved

2. has become

3. has this man invented

4. have caused

5. have never surfed

6. has done

7. has found

8. have you consulted

9. haven't met

10. haven't made

11. has been

12. have been

13. has he hated

14. haven't been

15. have liked

dsppee: всё неправильно
mellow2014: ну напишите, как же будет правильно )
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