Помогите пожалуйста!
Read and choose.
We ...... our homework in the afternoon.
A are doing B do

Can you see David? He ...... soccer.
A is playing B plays

......TV every night?
A Are you watching B Do you watch

Tom ......a letter now.
A is writing B writes

Mark never ...... to the park on Sundays.
A goes B is going

Where are the children? ...... ?
A Are they sleeping B Do they sleep

They ...... their bikes every day.
A are not riding B donot ride


Ответ дал: Eternak
1. B - do
2. A - is playing
3. B - Do you watch
4. A - is writing
5. A - goes
6. A - Are they sleeping
7. B - do not ride

Аноним: спасибо
Аноним: большое прибольшое спасибо
Eternak: Не за что :)
Аноним: добавь меня в друзья
Аноним: g;
Аноним: пж
Ответ дал: nunny

We ...... our homework in the afternoon. B do

Can you see David? He ...... soccer. A is playing

......TV every night? B Do you watch

Tom ......a letter now. A is writing

Mark never ...... to the park on Sundays. A goes

Where are the children? ...... ? A Are they sleeping

They ...... their bikes every day. B do not ride

Аноним: спасибо
Аноним: добавь меня пж в друзья
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