a) You are going to listen to an airline pilot and an air traffic controller talking on a radio programme. Before you listen, discuss questions 1-8 with a partner and imagine what the answers will be.

1 What weather conditions are the most dangerous when you are flying a plane? 2 Is turbulence really dangerous? 3 Which is more dangerous, taking off or landing? 4 Are some airports more dangerous than others? 5 What personal qualities does an air traffic controller need? 6 Is the job really very stressful? 7 Why is it important for air traffic controllers and pilots to speak English well? 8 Are there more men than women working as pilots and air traffic controllers?​



Ответ дал: hakobutoeshenory


1)There are several weather conditions that can be dangerous for flying, such as thunderstorms, heavy rain, snowstorms, and strong winds.

2)Turbulence itself is not usually dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable for passengers and crew. However, severe turbulence can be dangerous if it is unexpected or if passengers are not properly secured.

3)Both takeoff and landing are critical phases of flight, but statistically, landing is considered to be more dangerous.

4)Yes, some airports have unique challenges, such as short runways, difficult approaches, or challenging terrain, that make them more dangerous than others.

5)Air traffic controllers need to have excellent communication skills, be able to work well under pressure, and have strong attention to detail and situational awareness.

6)Yes, working as an air traffic controller can be very stressful due to the high level of responsibility and the need to make quick decisions in a fast-paced environment.

7)English is the international language of aviation, so it is important for pilots and air traffic controllers from different countries to be able to communicate effectively with each other.

8)Currently, there are more men than women working as pilots and air traffic controllers, although efforts are being made to encourage more women to enter these fields.

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