Дополни предложения, выбрав правильный глагол и форму Present Continuous. ride, take, stand, make, swim, run, read, sit, play 1. The teacher is _________ a text now. 2. I am _______with my dog now. 3. Look! He is _______his bike. 4. The ducks are _________. 5. We are _____ in the classroom. 6. Look! Polly is _____ my pen. 7. The pupils are ______ up. 8. Kate is _______ a cake now. 9. Are you _____ to school now?

LikaXacku: Если можете, помогите ещё пожалуйста
LikaXacku: Составь предложения в Present Continuous.

1. in the classroom / am / I / standing /now.
2. Pete / reading / not / a book / now / is.
3. listening / now / the pupils /are / to the teacher.
4. now / playing / they / are / games.
5. me / helping / now / my / not / friend / is.
6. dancing / with / is / she / now / Fred?


Ответ дал: flffv
1. reading
2. playing
3. riding
4. swimming
5. sitting
6. taking
7. standing
8. making
10. running
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