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Fill the gaps
1 Whenyou travel somewhere by plane. first you go through the...
2. Peoplecan... for pleasure oron business.
3 My family was lucky... this hotel fortwo weeks.
4. This hotel suggests different kinds of..
5. .. can be made by on-line email, calling, sending a fax.
6 Our wedding... was ratherm.. but very romantic
7 Range of ...is rather high to travel abroad.
8. We have... today, but otherguests wil!...soon .

to travel, journey, accommodation, to depart, expensive, currency to arrive, to book, customs, reservation.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 When you travel somewhere by plane, first you go through the customs.

2. People can travel for pleasure oron business.

3 My family was lucky to book this hotel for two weeks.

4. This hotel suggests different kinds of accommodation.

5. Reservation can be made by on-line email, calling, sending a fax.

6 Our wedding journey was rather expensive but very romantic.

7 Range of currency is rather high to travel abroad.

8. We have to depart today, but other guests will arrive soon .

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