Choose the correct phrases and finish the sentences.

1. Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago."
Lisa said that ______________________.

Tim had gone to the stadium an hour ago
Tim went to the stadium an hour before.
Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before

2. Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."
Michael said to me that __________________.

he is going to read a book that week
he was going to read a book that week
he was going to read a book this week

3. Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?"
Yesterday Mandy asked me ________________.

if the boys have read the book
if the boys are reading the book
if the boys were reading the book

4. A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?"
Yesterday a man asked me ____________________.

when the train to Liverpool leave
when the train to Liverpool was leaving
when the train to Liverpool left


Ответ дал: wwwwarframe

1)Tim went to the stadium an hour before.

2)he is going to read a book that week

yaniix: А 3 и 4?
wwwwarframe: 3)if the boys are reading the book
4)when the train to Liverpool leave
wwwwarframe: извини, не заметил)
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