Complete the short conversations with the correct form of
verbs in brackets.
1 A (1 live) ______ you ______ near here? Do live
B Yes, I do. I (2 have) ______a flat in the centre of town.
2 A (3 eat) ______ you ______ lunch yet?
B Yes, I have. I (4 have) ______ a sandwich an hour ago.
3 A What (5 wear) ______ you ______ this evening?
B I’m not sure. I think I (6 wear) ______ jeans.
4 A What do you want (7 be) ______ when you grow up?
B I (8 going to + be) ____________ a scientist.
5 A My dinner guests (9 arrive) ______ two hours early!
B What (10 do) ______ you ______ ?
A I (11 wash) ______ my hair


Ответ дал: Rysyaengl

1 Do you live near here? I have got a flat...

2 Have you eaten your lunch yet?I had a sandwich...

3 What will you wear....

I'll wear jeans.

4 What do you want to be....

I'm going to be....

5 My dinner guests arrive ....

What do you do?

I'll wash my hair

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