10 вопросов по тексту:
"One day I was told the following story.An American in London went sightseeing.He was taken round the city by a a guide and was shown many interesting buildings."How long did it take to build this hous? "he asked the guide when they were passing a hotel."About six month",said the guide."Six months!"cried the American."A building like that can be built in a month in America".Then he was shown a new building."And how long did it take to buid that?"he asked."This building as built in a month"?said the guide."A month"!Said the American .In America a place like that can be built in two days"Some minutes later they came to the Houses of Parlament."That`s not a bad-looking place .When was built? "asked American ."You many not believe me ",said the guide smiling,"but that building was not there when I crossed the bridge last night."


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1who went sightseeing in London?

2what did the guide show the man?

3what question did the American ask?

4where did they come later?

5what did the American say about the building of Houses of Parliament?

6where were the buildings built quicker?

7why did the guide smile?

8did they come to the Houses of Parliament or Westminster Abbey?

9how did the guide joke about the Houses of Parliament?

10English humor is rather interesting,isn't it?

MaryFairy211: Westminster Abbey используется без артикля
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