помогите с английским пожалуйста
Глаголы :
Collect, describe, explain, make, read.

Их нужно просклонять по:
Present. Simple
Future. Simple
Present Continious
Past continius
Future continious


Ответ дал: KM2709

I collect - I collected - I will collect

I'm collecting - I was collecting - I will be collecting

I describe - I described - I will describe

I'm describing - I was describing - I will be describing

I explain - I explained - I will explain

I'm explaining - I was explaining - I will be explaining

I make - I made - I will make

I'm making - I was making - I will be making

I read - I read (читается как рэд!) - I will read

I'm reading - I was reading - I will be reading

Ответ дал: creamsodatt


collect, describe, explain, make, read

past simple

collected, described, explained, made, read

future simple

will collect, will describe, will explain, will make, will read


am/is/are collecting, am/is/are describing, am/is/are explaining, am/is/are making, am/is/are reading

past cont.

was/were collecting, was/were describing, was/were explaining, was/were making, was/were reading

future cont.

will be collecting, will be describing, will be explaining, will be making, will be reading

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