Ребят срочно прошу мне до 18:00 помогите ответить на вопросы, на каждый вопрос минимум по 2 предложения.
What your city,town or village is famous for
What your favourite place in your country , town, village, is and why you like it
Whether you are going to stay in your city or village after leaving school or move to another place and why
Про город пожалуйста лучше


Ответ дал: kakharkyzy23

1) If my pen was famous, it would be great. For example, there a lot of concert.

2) when i left school, city, and country i would go abroad to study abroad and start a business career. So my future is good and straightforward.

3)After graduating from school, i will stay in my hometown.That is because my parents and friends, my relatives are there.

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