Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (the Present Simple, the Past Simple, or the Present Continuous).
Manuel Gonzalez 1) ___________ (come) from Spain. He usually 2) ___________ (live) in Madrid and 3) ___________ (work) as a journalist for a Spanish newspaper, but two years ago he 4) ___________ (decide) to take a year off work to live in different countries in Europe and write a book about Europeans. He 5) ___________ (spend) the first two months in Scandinavia and then 6) ___________ (move) to Germany for a month. At present he 7) ___________ (stay) in Paris, where he 8) ___________ (rent) a flat for five weeks. Four years ago he 9) ___________ (write) a best-selling travel guide to Spain and now he 10) ___________ (work) hard to have the same success with his book about Europeans.


Ответ дал: stepanovap34


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1) came (т.к приехал)

2) lives (т.к usually - маркер Present Simple)

3) works (т.к usually - маркер Present Simple)

4) Decided (т.к решил два года назад - в прошедшем времени)

5) Spent

6) moved

7) is staying

8) is renting

9) wrote

10) is working

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