Помогите пожалуйста!! Даю 25 баллов



Ответ дал: babe111

726-728: I am not

729: can’t dance

730: can’t help

731,732: haven’t get

733: hasn’t get

734: isn’t

735-737: can’t

738: aren’t

739: Isn’t

740: Am not

konatevm: Сори я хотел дать 25 а даю ток 5
konatevm: сори
babe111: Все норм)
Ответ дал: verybiggolova

im not his pupil

im not a student

im not at school

i can't dance well

i cant help the man

i havent got a red pen

i havent got six pencil

he hasnt got a house

his house is not littls

anton can not skate well

Hens can not fly

the fox cant swim

the foxes arent strong

the duck is not angry

i am not angry

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