Переведите на английский:Мой город называется Курахово.В нем проживает много жителей,люди разной национальности и внешности.Почти у всех жителей темные волосы и голубые глаза.Каждый житель занимается своим любимым делом.Кто-то работает учителем,аптекарем или продавцом в магазине.Все жители живут в пятиэтажных домах.В каждое свободное время жители ухаживают за своим городом!​!!!!


Ответ дал: ad9045400


My city is called Kurakhovo. Many people live in it, people of different nationality and appearance. Almost all residents have dark hair and blue eyes. Every inhabitant does his favorite job. Someone works as a teacher, pharmacist or seller in a store. All residents live in five-storey houses. In every free time, residents take care of their city! !!!!

mrarldik: спасибо
Ответ дал: nunny

My town is called Kurakhovo. Many people live here.They are people of different nationalities and appearance. Almost all the residents have dark hair and blue eyes. Every citizan does his/her favorite job. Some work as  teachers, pharmacists or shop assistants. All our citizands live in five-story houses. In their free time, the citizans take care of their town.

mrarldik: спасибо
nunny: Не за что. Тут опечатки есть. Исправленный текст: My town is called Kurakhovo. Many people live here.They are people of different nationalities and appearance. Almost all the residents have dark hair and blue eyes. Every citizen does his/her favorite job. Some work as teachers, pharmacists or shop assistants. All our citizens live in five-story houses. In their free time, the citizens take care of their town.
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