Заполните пробелы артиклями, где это необходимо:

1. He fell in ____ love with her at ____ first sight.

2. On ____ one hand he was right in telling it all to

____ boss, but on ____ other...

3. We spent ____

weekend in ____ country.

4. To tell ____ truth,

I don’t know where he went.

5. In ____ fact, there

are no ____ shoes of your size on ____ sale.

6. Jake

decided to go there by ____ bus, but then he changed

his mind and went on ____ foot.

7. On ____ right

you can see ____ local Picture Gallery.

8. What ____

clever ____ man Jake is!

9. Both ____ secretary and

____ president were imprisoned.

10. We see Mary

from ____ time to ____ time in ____ local club.

11. At ____ night we usually sleep to get some ____

rest before ____ day’s work.

12. You can find me at

____ home whenever you want.

13. It’s ____ such

____ lovely day!

14. I met Charles ____ other day in

____ Central ____ Park.

15. Although his car broke,

____ Jake came to work on ____ time.


Ответ дал: Morandu


1. -/-

2. the/the/the

3. the /the

4. the

5. -/-/-

6. -/-

7. the/the

8. a/-

9. the/the

10. -/-/the

11. -/-/the

12. –

13. -/a

14. the/the/-

15. -/-

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